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Covid19 Escape: Retreating to My Retreat!

Updated: Apr 13, 2020

I never thought that when I purchased a piece of land that had been used as a survivalist family compound, that I would need to retreat to it for survival! All I knew is that for the past few years God was pushing me to find land in the I did. As a person with asthma who has caught other exciting bugs like Lyme Disease, I made haste and left the covid-19 hot seat of Los Angeles as quickly as I could. I am happy to report that after two weeks of quarantine, no symptoms of coronavirus are present!

Now I am sitting far off the grid, 80 miles from civilization, in the middle of a spring desert super bloom at the edge of a lake. I feel guilty to be in such a magnificent place when such a crisis abounds in the world and people are sequestered at home. I actually spent the first entire week inside my house because that is what everyone else was doing and my empathy was overwhelming! I am also taking it very easy because of a recent yoga headstand accident.

I deeply regret that the other houses and living spaces are not in shape yet, or I would gather all of my family, loved ones and others into this beautiful, secure, and covid19-free space. The coronavirus event has speed up my dedication to restoring this place to be a retreat, spiritual or other, for years to come.

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I can’t wait to visit and meet all of you! Let me know if there is anything we can do to help you make it happen! Welcome to the native lands of Arrastra mountains. This area is very sacred and honored by my native ancestors and family.

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